Wednesday, October 22, 2008

how to promote computer labs??


Many schools especially in Malaysia already have their own computer labs. Computer lab is a place where each student will get a computer and learn how to use the tools and software in the computer effectively.

Unfortunately, some schools did not use the lab to the maximum. Back to my school years, the teacher seldom used the computer lab to teach his/her lesson. The main reason was, by using computer lab; the lesson will not finish on time since most of the pupils did not know how to use it. Well, until now, I could hear the same reason by teachers in school.

So, how to promote the use of computer lab in school? First, teachers in school must ensure that pupils know how to operate the computer. This can be done by giving tutorial on how to use the computer in extra classes. Next, provide interesting activity in the lab so that pupils are eager to learn and do not feel bored. For example, by using games. There are many games for children in the internet that can be used. These are the examples on how to promote the use of computer labs.

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