Wednesday, July 23, 2008

still working on..

well, my video is already 40% done..suddenly ideas bombarded into my head..and everything looks easy..and i believe that all the ideas could be done. but, i came to realize that ideas only are not make it a reality is really difficult since i have a very limited knowledge about technology..

until now i'm still searching and trying out new software that could help me in finishing the video..luckily, my friend introduced me the power director software..since i was so bad in using movie maker, knowing this new software is a blessed..although some might not agree..i felt that power director is easier to use compared to movie maker..well, it's up to u to choose which one is the best..

1 comment:

Miss Agu said...

i never tried Power director before..

sound stupid but i am huhu..

but i like the functions: i saw some used it: great quality!