Wednesday, July 23, 2008

still working on..

well, my video is already 40% done..suddenly ideas bombarded into my head..and everything looks easy..and i believe that all the ideas could be done. but, i came to realize that ideas only are not make it a reality is really difficult since i have a very limited knowledge about technology..

until now i'm still searching and trying out new software that could help me in finishing the video..luckily, my friend introduced me the power director software..since i was so bad in using movie maker, knowing this new software is a blessed..although some might not agree..i felt that power director is easier to use compared to movie maker..well, it's up to u to choose which one is the best..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1st assignment : video editing

i'm really new with this video editing stuff..n still have no idea on how to make my own i already know how "savvy" i am! in 3 minutes>sounds easy..but thinking of the process..really kills me softly..i don't know where to begin..but, thanks to Prof. Dr. Raja Maznah and Ms. Ng..the explanations and some example of videos really really i know how to use video movie maker to create a video..well,it was a good start i think..with the help from my group members, i'm pretty sure that my very first video will be published in the youtube, guys out there..if u have any extra info regarding video editing..PLEaSE share with me..SHARING is CARING!

Monday, July 14, 2008


as for teachers..what are we going to be learning?..well, there're lots of things that we can learn through technology namely really helps us in preparing our teaching aids..there're lots of video in youtube related to our topic of teaching that would certainly impressed the it u got it!=p..u can find big, colourful pictures from yahoo images (don't have to stay all night long just to finish the drawing)..n many more..this stuff would be much more interesting rather than the old stuff like chalks and boards..besides, we can share our thoughts with all the teachers from all over the place..that would be one way of learning too..


i already read the article about the Next Generation was clearly stated that technology by all means will give positive impacts to the people around the world..children can create their own learning anytime and everywhere without much guidance from the teachers..they too can learn from many people that have the internet connection all over the means that they will progress faster than before where all the info gathered from the teachers only..
having said that, i wonder what will happen to the children in rural areas..especially in malaysia..they still don't have all these connections..all the knowledge that they know are from the, what would happen to them?while children in urban areas move forward in high speed, they still at the same pace..i think that this technology will widen the gap between them..would it be a good impact? well, this is what i had in mind..=p

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


my first post for this blog..=p

first day of the class..i learned lots of interesting things. but, at times, i was quite blurred. i didn't really know anything about the course..then,ms. ng asked us to fill in the forms and answer the questionnaire...i wondered if the questionnaire has anything to do with this i went through the questions, i did realize that it was testing my knowledge on my computer proficiency level, my learning preferences and etc..etc....which i never think of before! wonder if i really know what ICT is all about!.then, the fantastic presentation made by Prof. Dr. Raja Maznah really opened my eyes ...i was really aspired by her presentation..with one word (PLEaSE), she could explain on how to become smart teachers in a simple way.the emphasis on PLEaSE really captured my attention..well,what PLEaSE stands for?


develop SMART teachers

....a word that gave powerful meaning..i believed that this PLEaSE together with all the Cs~creativity,competition,
collaboration,confidence and etc..~ will make a big difference in developing a far better teaching and learning process in future..but, is it that simple to make the students as co-producers of their own learning? or we'll go back to the traditional way of teaching where the teachers do all the a teacher-to-be, i realized that it was my responsibility to make the changes and considering that each student is different and unique in their own way, it really requires a great efforts.. that's why i'm still learning to build up my skills through PLEaSE! when it comes to the real class situation, what is the most important thing is, whether the children can learn effectively or not..that's all that matter!and PLEaSE will definitely help us to achieve this.